Tisserand's parameter

Tisserand's parameter (or Tisserand's invariant) is a combination of orbital elements used in a restricted three-body problem.



For a small body with semimajor axis a\,\!, eccentricity e\,\!, and inclination i\,\!, relative to the orbit of a perturbing larger body with semimajor axis a_P , the parameter is defined as follows:

\frac{a_P}{a} %2B 2\cdot\sqrt{\frac{a}{a_P} (1-e^2)} \cos i

The quasi-conservation of Tisserand's parameter is a consequence of Tisserand's relation.


Related notions

The parameter is derived from one of so called Delaunay standard variables, used to study the perturbed Hamiltonian in 3-body system. Ignoring higher order perturbation terms, the following value is conserved

 \sqrt{a (1-e^2)} \cos i

Consequently, perturbations may lead to the resonance between the orbit inclination and eccentricity, known as Kozai resonance. Near circular, highly inclined orbits can thus become very eccentric (in exchange for lower inclination). As example, such mechanism can produce Sun-grazing comets.1

1Large eccentricity with constant semimajor axis means small perihelion.

See also

External links
